West Creek

West Creek

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Heading South on 288 - take the second West Creek Exit (east) which loops under Rt. 288. About an 1/8 mile take the first entrance off of West Creek Parkway. Striker entrance sign is present. Upon entering the complex take the first right and follow the access road to the back of the park. Parking is along the access road and in the back parking area near the restrooms.

Heading North on 288 (from Chesterfield) - take the first West Creek Exit (east). About an 1/8 mile take the first entrance off of West Creek Parkway. Striker entrance sign is present. Upon entering the complex take the first right and follow the access road to the back of the park. Parking is along the access road and in the back parking area near the restrooms.

From Patterson Avenue Route 6 (heading west) - Take the first entrance into West Creek and follow the Parkway almost to 288. Turn left into the last entrance to the Markel Complex. Striker entrance sign is present. Upon entering the complex take the first right and follow the access road to the back of the park. Parking is along the access road and in the back parking area near the restrooms.

From Points North (Washington) - Take I-95 South to I-295 West towards Charlottesville. Follow I-295 to the end and take the I-64 West ramp. About 2 miles on I-64 West take the Rt. 288 South Exit. Heading South on 288 - take the second West Creek Exit (east) which loops under Rt. 288. About an 1/8 mile take the first entrance off of West Creek Parkway. Striker entrance sign is present. Upon entering the complex take the first right and follow the access road to the back of the park. Parking is along the access road and in the back parking area near the restrooms.

From Points East (VA Beach) - Take I-64 East to I-295 West towards Charlottesville. Follow I-295 to the end and take the I-64 West ramp. About 2 miles on I-64 West take the Rt. 288 South Exit. Heading South on 288 - take the second West Creek Exit (east) which loops under Rt. 288. About an 1/8 mile take the first entrance off of West Creek Parkway. Striker entrance sign is present. Upon entering the complex take the first right and follow the access road to the back of the park. Parking is along the access road and in the back parking area near the restrooms.


Ukrop Park  |  Striker Park  |  Glover Park  |  Capital Park West Creek  |  City Stadium

Parent Clubs





Jefferson Cup

Jefferson Cup
Jefferson Cup





Club Sponsors

Own Touch

Own Touch
Own Touch

Schell Brothers

Schell Brothers
Schell Brothers

Joe's Inn

Joe's Inn
Joe's Inn

Scott Garnett

Scott Garnett
Scott Garnett

Jessica Photos

Jessica Photos
Jessica Photos

